Turkey Gateway to Hell that Brings Death

image by: http://nationalgeographic.co.id
If China had the gates to heaven, then Turkey has a gateway to hell. Italian researchers announced that a gate to hell is open from ruins in the Southwest Turkey. Gate called the Gate Pluto was discovered at archaeological sites in the Phrygian city, which is now called Pamukkale Hierapolis.

Pluto word itself comes from the Greek word Plutonion or Plutonium in Latin. Pluto symbolizes the gateway to the underworld in tradition and Greco-Roman myths.

"The room was filled with dense foggy steam to block the view. All animals that pass through steam it would immediately die. Sparrows I threw into it, and the bird fell dead instantly," wrote the Greek geographer Strabo.

The gates of hell discoveries made by Italian archaeologists in Istanbul Turkey, the team led by Francesco D'Andria professor of classical archeology at the University of Salento.

Inside the cave researchers also found the remains of a temple, swimming pool, a series of inscriptions dedicated to the gods, Pluto and Kore. It is said that people are only allowed to watch from afar as sacred ritual only allowed religious elders stood in front of the portal. Some rituals are performed in this cave is by bringing live animals into the state, and then removing them is turned off. Smoke in the cave is very deadly, so if it gets too close, the carbon dioxide will kill all living things.

Once believed that only the eunuchs of Cybele, the ancient goddess of fertility, who is able to enter the gates of hell without injury or death. They held their breath as long as possible. But can lead to death, steam emerging from the cave can cause hallucinations in a small scale. "This is a remarkable discovery because it confirms and explains the information we get from literary sources of ancient history," said Alister Filippini, Roman history researchers at the Universities of Palermo, Italy.

Basically the names Gateway to Kemtian itself is an extension of the meaning of every person who entered must have died from inhaling smoke fumes of carbon dioxide, but it is believed that dead people later go to hell because a multitude of sins.

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