4 Muslims who became atheist

image by: http://komunitasmuhajirin.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/atheis.jpg
1. Salman Rushdie

Ahmad Salman Rushdie was born in Mumbai, India on June 19, 1947 from devout Muslim family of origin Khasmiri City. His father pinned the award on behalf of Rushdie Rushdie Ibn Muslim leaders from the City of Andalusia, Spain famous as an influential Muslim scholars in his day.

In any names of course there is a prayer. Rushdie grown into a smart, especially when he wrote the book hit the world including universal Islam ie Satanic Verses in 1988. No sooner had the former Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa to kill Rushdie. Who could cut off his head will be given prizes.

Because of the Rushdie fatwa on Islamic beliefs faded. Two years since the book was published, he proclaimed himself an atheist until now.

2. Alia al-Mahdi

Alia al-Mahdi Maghda an Egyptian activist. Women born in 1991 is famous because its action with nude protest group Femen love some time ago to protest policies ousted President Mohammed Mursi Nile State.

Since then he had received various death threats. Alia was born from devout Muslim family, but since the age of 16 years he was known to be a rebel and self-proclaimed atheist.

According to the girl's glasses Islam is the most horrible and never tolerate humanitarian law. While the Qur'an judged the book provokes every Muslim to do mischief on earth.

3. Nagib Mahfouz

Nagib Mahfouz of Egypt born on December 11, 1911 the author received the Nobel literature prize in 1988. He also has written dozens of screenplays and 350 short stories.

Mahfouz was born of a poor family of devout Muslims in the capital Cairo. Although the study of religion since childhood, but he defied the teachings if deemed inappropriate. Both parents Mahfouz educate their children so adherents of Islam the hard way. Mahfouz describes his childhood horrible and no one thought a famous like he was born to a poor family.

Mahfouz became mature student of philosophy at Cairo University where he said Islam is not a religion fit for the future of civilization because it is too rigid with its laws. Ketambahan he saw the group and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood who often uses Sharia rules in their own homes to be developed than those who are not secular. He was a self-proclaimed atheist.

4. Ayaan Hirsi Ali

If there is a woman most likely to become Muslim today Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the man. He became a critic of Islam, and most drives the number one. Somali women has received intelligence from his father Hirsi Magan Isse who reject female circumcision still happens in their country.

Hirsi Ali thrive in an environment of moderate small. He was very sympathetic to Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood movement, even veiled. But since the attack building the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001 because of his belief in Islam faded under the command of Al Qaeda Osama Bin Laden killed thousands of people in the name of upholding the creed.

Empathy on total fade Islam especially when reading books Atheist Manifesto written by Herman Philipse one universal philosopher.

Since reading the book Hirsi Ali proclaimed himself to be an atheist and continue to look for weaknesses of many religions, especially Islam.

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