Tips Join File

Most of the files that you see in our sites are split links .001, .002, .003, .004. To Join Them You Just need to Use HJSplit. They are not compressed and contain separate components of a file. In order for a .001 file to work, it must be "joined" back together.

Download HJSplit :-
  1. For Windows Version : Click here To Download 
  2. For Linux Version : Click here to Download  
 HJSplit doesn’t need to be installed. You can run it directly by opening the zip file and clicking on “hjsplit.exe”. Before you start, Remember that all the parts (.001, .002, .003, .004) Have to be in the same folder, and they have to have the same name or else it won’t work. 
For Eg :- 


1) Run the Application by clicking on HJSplit.exe and Click On Join

 2) New Window will Appear Click on Input File

3) In the new window, select only the first file of the files that you would like to join (it automatically shows only .001 file), so Moviesn_Com.JTHJ._avi.001 in this case, and click on ‘Open’ after that.

4) Click On Start

5) You can see the progress Bar...

6) HJSplit will Join the Files in Few Seconds, When it is Finished you will see a message saying "Joining Completed"

By Default the output File is Stored in the same Folder as the Split parts.

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His Man Claims 141 Years Old

An Indian man claiming 141 years old. If true, he became the oldest person alive universal.

The Daily Mail newspaper reported on Sunday (21/7), Feroz un Dir Mir said he got a certificate from the government to prove he was born on March 10, 1872.The staff of Guinness World Records will reportedly investigating claims life of Feroz.

If proven, Feroz mean 26 years older than Misao Okawa, universal human record holder is still alive today at the age of 115 years.He also will shift the position of the French woman, Jeanne Calment, the oldest person ever to live.

Calment died in 1997 at the age of 122 years.Feroz marry a woman, Misra, when he was already at the age of 80-something years. Misra is the fifth wife outlived him and his wife of four others.He was still able to walk with the help of his family, still has the vision to use his left eye, and can talk about the extraordinary life using local Pahari language.Feroz follow in the footsteps of his father, Matulli, a fruit and nut vendors, and often accompanied his father to the city of Karachi, Pakistan. In 1890, he married his first wife and living with his wife's death in Pakistan until the early 1900s."There is no border between India and Pakistan at that time.

It's easy to go to City Muzaffarbad (in Pakistan) rather than to the city of Srinagar (in India)," said Feroz.After he became a widower, he moved to his birthplace in the village of Bihjama, in Uri region of Kashmir, and married for the fourth time."A cruel life. She told me stories about the earthquake that hit Sopore and Pattan area in the late 1880s, when he was traveling to Karachi to trade.

He also save many lives in Gadiduptata," said Misra."He was a witness of some of the most important events in the history of the last century," he continued.Feroz said that life becomes more complicated when modern life becomes more technologically advanced. "As life grew easier, it is not an easy person to live with each other."Before the story appeared Feroz, estimated last person who lived in the 19th century is Jiroemon Kimura. He was born on 19 April 1897. Kimura died last month in Kyotango City, Japan, at the age of 116 years. He left seven children, 14 grandchildren, and 40 great-grandchildren.
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4 Muslims who became atheist

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1. Salman Rushdie

Ahmad Salman Rushdie was born in Mumbai, India on June 19, 1947 from devout Muslim family of origin Khasmiri City. His father pinned the award on behalf of Rushdie Rushdie Ibn Muslim leaders from the City of Andalusia, Spain famous as an influential Muslim scholars in his day.

In any names of course there is a prayer. Rushdie grown into a smart, especially when he wrote the book hit the world including universal Islam ie Satanic Verses in 1988. No sooner had the former Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa to kill Rushdie. Who could cut off his head will be given prizes.

Because of the Rushdie fatwa on Islamic beliefs faded. Two years since the book was published, he proclaimed himself an atheist until now.

2. Alia al-Mahdi

Alia al-Mahdi Maghda an Egyptian activist. Women born in 1991 is famous because its action with nude protest group Femen love some time ago to protest policies ousted President Mohammed Mursi Nile State.

Since then he had received various death threats. Alia was born from devout Muslim family, but since the age of 16 years he was known to be a rebel and self-proclaimed atheist.

According to the girl's glasses Islam is the most horrible and never tolerate humanitarian law. While the Qur'an judged the book provokes every Muslim to do mischief on earth.

3. Nagib Mahfouz

Nagib Mahfouz of Egypt born on December 11, 1911 the author received the Nobel literature prize in 1988. He also has written dozens of screenplays and 350 short stories.

Mahfouz was born of a poor family of devout Muslims in the capital Cairo. Although the study of religion since childhood, but he defied the teachings if deemed inappropriate. Both parents Mahfouz educate their children so adherents of Islam the hard way. Mahfouz describes his childhood horrible and no one thought a famous like he was born to a poor family.

Mahfouz became mature student of philosophy at Cairo University where he said Islam is not a religion fit for the future of civilization because it is too rigid with its laws. Ketambahan he saw the group and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood who often uses Sharia rules in their own homes to be developed than those who are not secular. He was a self-proclaimed atheist.

4. Ayaan Hirsi Ali

If there is a woman most likely to become Muslim today Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the man. He became a critic of Islam, and most drives the number one. Somali women has received intelligence from his father Hirsi Magan Isse who reject female circumcision still happens in their country.

Hirsi Ali thrive in an environment of moderate small. He was very sympathetic to Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood movement, even veiled. But since the attack building the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001 because of his belief in Islam faded under the command of Al Qaeda Osama Bin Laden killed thousands of people in the name of upholding the creed.

Empathy on total fade Islam especially when reading books Atheist Manifesto written by Herman Philipse one universal philosopher.

Since reading the book Hirsi Ali proclaimed himself to be an atheist and continue to look for weaknesses of many religions, especially Islam.
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Turkey Gateway to Hell that Brings Death

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If China had the gates to heaven, then Turkey has a gateway to hell. Italian researchers announced that a gate to hell is open from ruins in the Southwest Turkey. Gate called the Gate Pluto was discovered at archaeological sites in the Phrygian city, which is now called Pamukkale Hierapolis.

Pluto word itself comes from the Greek word Plutonion or Plutonium in Latin. Pluto symbolizes the gateway to the underworld in tradition and Greco-Roman myths.

"The room was filled with dense foggy steam to block the view. All animals that pass through steam it would immediately die. Sparrows I threw into it, and the bird fell dead instantly," wrote the Greek geographer Strabo.

The gates of hell discoveries made by Italian archaeologists in Istanbul Turkey, the team led by Francesco D'Andria professor of classical archeology at the University of Salento.

Inside the cave researchers also found the remains of a temple, swimming pool, a series of inscriptions dedicated to the gods, Pluto and Kore. It is said that people are only allowed to watch from afar as sacred ritual only allowed religious elders stood in front of the portal. Some rituals are performed in this cave is by bringing live animals into the state, and then removing them is turned off. Smoke in the cave is very deadly, so if it gets too close, the carbon dioxide will kill all living things.

Once believed that only the eunuchs of Cybele, the ancient goddess of fertility, who is able to enter the gates of hell without injury or death. They held their breath as long as possible. But can lead to death, steam emerging from the cave can cause hallucinations in a small scale. "This is a remarkable discovery because it confirms and explains the information we get from literary sources of ancient history," said Alister Filippini, Roman history researchers at the Universities of Palermo, Italy.

Basically the names Gateway to Kemtian itself is an extension of the meaning of every person who entered must have died from inhaling smoke fumes of carbon dioxide, but it is believed that dead people later go to hell because a multitude of sins.
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8 Colorful Urban

This time we met with the city where the houses were painted between one and the other houses painted different and are made to create the impression of freshness and popularize the factory paint away from kebrangkrutan. Like complex life, house paint colors is also made ​​to give the impression complexity colorful life. Immediately, this is it guys

1. Bo-Kaap, Capetown
2. Kulusuk, Greenland
3. Nyhavn, Copenhagen
4. La Boca, Buenos Aires
5. Guanajuato, Mexico
6. Manarola, Cinque Terre
7. Punda, Willemstad
8. Pelourinho, Salvador, Brazil
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Palouse Hills Special Landscape Area

This region is located in the northwestern part of the United States, encompassing parts of southeastern Washington, north Idaho or region as a center of the region. This area is unique because in addition to the undulating land like a desert, this region looks colorful and suitable to serve as an object of nature photography, okay let's look at some of the photos

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Best Watercolor Painting Talented Painter

The painting is the work of Grzegorz Wróbel. No other painting techniques as flexible use of techniques such as watercolor paintings for example, painting the exterior and painting studios who use other tools. In addition, the technique of painting using watercolors result is always spontaneous and likely just a natural talent who can combine perfectly.

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Inilah 7 Danau yang Unik

7. Danau Jellyfish
Danau jellyfish ini terletak dipalau. Karena mungkin terisolasi dari alam yang buas, ubur-ubur di danau ini tumbuh pesat, bahkan jumlahnya kini mungkin sudah jutaan.

6. Danau Dominica’s Boiling
Danau ini terletak di Dominica. Karena pengaruh dari aktivitas vulkanik, danau ini selalu mendidih, danau ini menjadi sangat mengerikan ketika gunung meledak dan mengeluarkan magmanya.

5. Danau Hiu
Danau ini terletak di Australia. Menyimpan hiu di danau tempat bermain golf, menjadi hal yang menakjubkan. Hiu ini datang karena aliran sungai yang menguap.

4.  Danau Superior
Percaya atau tidak, gambar orang diatas merupakan orang yang bermain surfing didanau, walau demikian suhu danau tersebut mecapai 5 derajat selsius.

3. Sebuah Tempat diatas Danau
Jal Mahal adalah istana yang dibangun Maharaja Sawai untuk Jai Singh II pada 1700-an. Dulunya tempat ini tidak tenggelam, namun karena air yang meluap kini tempat ini tinggal separoh saja yang nampak. Karena sekarang tempat ini ditinggalkan, tempat ini katanya menjadi angker.

2. Danau Lago Kolorado Memiliki Air yang Memerah
Danau ini berada di Bolivia, warnanya merah seperti tumpahan darah yang sangat luas.

1. Danau Resia yang mempunyai menara
Danau Resia terletak di South Tyrol, sebuah provinsi di Italia utara, dan merupakan danau yang terbentuk karena dibuatnya bendungan di tahun 1950. Dulunya sebelum terbentuk dibawahnya terdapat desa kecil, namun sekarang sudah tenggelam dan tinggal menara gereja yang masih bisa muncul diudara.
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Manis yang mana?

Berikut adalah beberapa pics yang sengaja dibuat untuk membandingkan antara gambar nyata dan gambar animasi. jadi manis mana menurut kamu?

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Foto Air Terjun seven sisters Norwegia

Aurora borealis diatas langit desa hammerfest norwegia

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Bermain paragliding diatas troll wall norwegia

Cahaya malam hari di lofoten Norwegia

Atlantic ocean road norwegia

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